Monday 8 October 2007

Example for week 4

This is how I would like you to write about your images, we will do more work on this so dont panic.
1. Tech spec: Shutter 1/200, aperture f 4.5, ISO 50.
2. Visual techniques: The framing and composition of this image enhances the juxtaposition of the structure. The harsh concrete has been constructed at interesting angles with each other. It is a very modernist building yet it uses a quite basic structural design, almost like a tent or tepee, where the main building is supported by struts. The late winter sun casts shadows that highlight the sharp angles of the building, they soften the concrete and give a greater sense of depth of field to the composition. The building is too far away to really appreciate the texture of the concrete. Contrast is suggested by the stained glass in the background.
3. The narrative: The use of concrete suggests a harsh, Bauhaus, utilitarian type of building. However the stained glass gives away its actual role, it is the Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool. I find this quite ironic. One expects cathedrals to be oppulent, roccoco and with lots of detail, images of saints, gargoyles etc. The fact that this one presents such a simplistic imagery, in a way heightens the observer's awe. It is as though it is so important, so devine, that it doesn't have to try. Like wise the overall structure of the building ( it's tepee shape) suggests it is echoing the use of religion, to hold society up. As faith can keep an individual going and give them strength, this is what the concrete supports are doing.
4. Influences: a link to the Isokon flats ( these architects were strongly influenced by the Bauhaus movement.
A link to the Bauhaus website

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